How to Avoid the Dangers of Coffee Machines
Creating the perfect cup of coffee is an art form and to create art you need properly maintained tools.
A coffee machine can be extremely dangerous to you and your customers, especially if you don’t look after it properly.
Coffee machines are subject to very high volumes of use and if not correctly maintained, they can cause serious injury to the public.
Following the manufacturers care instructions and following basic health and safety guidelines can help to mitigate common daily risks however, the majority of coffee machines incorporate the use of a steam boiler. These boilers, if not properly cared for, have been known to explode.
A famous case of this happened in a UK supermarket. The coffee machine in the café exploded, causing serious injury to staff and members of the public.
As well as being causing personal injury, these explosions can also damage property and as a direct result, your business reputation and finances.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Guidelines demand that your steam boiler is inspected every 14 months (as per the Health and Safety Executive PSSR 2000 regulations) to ensure that it meets pressure system regulations and it is illegal to operate a steam boiler (regardless of its age) that does not meet the current HSE Guidelines.
To help keep costs low we recommended that you book your boiler inspection at the same time as your annual service.
Protect yourself and your business today by booking a boiler inspection with Coffee Masters. We work with a network of local engineers, so contact us today to find out what deals are available.